Why not accordion ?

To my point of view it's one of the most universal solo instruments, but not widely accepted in any classical or jazz orchestras or bands. It's also sophisticated. I'd say extremely sophisticated. In order to deliver smooth and artistic sound it may require long and extensive practice to handle bellows and position your hands properly. In addition there are two button boards that can deliver sophisticated polyphonic parts that can create an impression of small band inside one instrument. You can also count on fingers great accordionists while you can have an endless list of great guitarists or saxophonists.
Tango is HUGE in Finland , Argentina North.
Most Tango Bands have an accordion, a GREAT player you can
find on Amazon is Maria Kalaniemi .
Not exactly what Czarivey had in mind but somewhat related (and especially to Sfar's comment)- David Hidalgo's accordion on Dylan's "Together Through Life" defines the sound of that recording and really makes the entire album for me. Props to accordion in roots music, at least.
Years ago in my bachelor days,I went through a Cajun phase where I regularly visited friends in New Orleans to party. I picked up a taste for zydeco. Of course, the accordion is integral in zydeco music and the best practitioners use the instrument to motivate people on the dance floor as well as make them cry during ballads. My favorites are Clifton Chenier, his son C.J. Chenier, and Buckwheat Zydeco. Cedric Watson is terrific as well. Great fun and musicianship from an instrument too often associated with Weird Al type clowns.
I'll second the Cajun suggestion. Zachary Richard is a personal favorite for his hybrid Cajun-pop music (both zydeco and waltz) and his singing. Early on, the wonderful guitarist Sonny Landreth played in Richard's band.

Another Cajun band that sometimes features accordion is Beausoleil, and they're also always great. Consistently marvelous fiddle playing as well as occasional accordion wizzardry.

I'm also a fan of both Flaco and Hidalgo. The last Las Lobos show that I attended saw David Hidalgo spend roughly half his stage time on accordion. He's one of my favorite guitarists, but I wasn't the least bit disappointed by his choice.
I grew up watching the Lawrence Welk Show (my Pa was from S. Dakoda), and always enjoyed Lawrence and his bandleader's playing. Then in the 70's, playing in a band whose repertoire included Hard Country, got into Flaco etc., but have never played with an accordionist myself. Garth Hudson of The Band played it a little with them---on Dylan's When I Paint My Masterpiece, for one.