Michael Brecker...

who's name is quite large in contemporary jazz and fusion had been diagnosed with MDS and is in critical condition to fight this illness.
he will definitely need a bone-marrow transplant.
a get-well wishes could be sent to info@michaelbrecker.com
mds is aparently a rare blood disease(cancer).i went through tis with my older bro,its a real SOB.i wish greedy drug companys would stop " F " ing us and get to a cure.i have heard they already have cures from herpes to cancer but stand to lose too much g-dam money.
Thanks for the 2 sites. My "Oliver Stone" reply was a sardonic response to Tiday's Where did you hear this? post regarding the insane assertion by Digsmithd that the drug companies and government are conspiring. Digsmithd is either joking (hopefully) or seriously needs help.