My initial response to Roxy54 was "Why so serious?". But let me give a serious response to his comments.
Firstly, truth is hard to pin down and have even a majority agree upon. I intended my remarks to pertain only to subjective truths. If it makes sense to you, then everybody else be damned since it's your truth.
Secondly, if the observation that the heart of comedy is cruelty, then I would say most truths have an element of comedy within. You learn that you can laugh at yourself even in bad times.
Thirdly, an explanation of the specific truths I cited:
- Macarthur Park is a song about a bad lovers' breakup. The cake is his love and affection for another person and that person spurned him and left the cake out in the rain. There's a real poignancy to never having the recipe again. Do you think you'll ever fall in love again?
- Ray Charles said it so it must be true! When is it ever not the right time? Seal even said doing it in daylight is the latest craze.
- I have no idea what Lennon meant, but it sounds cool and it could even be true. Should I have said "Happiness is a warm gun"?
- If you've ever experienced true loss and pain, then you'll know why Wednesday's worst and Thursday's also sad. Lawd have mercy on me!
- Pink Floyd takes whole albums to say what Dylan said in a single line.
- The Charlie Parker tune is an instrumental, yet it clearly speaks to a truth. It also references the earlier mentioned Ray Charles song.
Music is very personally and at the same time it's something we share. I thank everybody for sharing some of their truths.