METALLICA!!!! No one will disagree,will they? This band just never stops getting better.Load,Re-load all classics.The B.O.C.cover of Astronomy off of Garage for sure one of the meanest,heaviest songs EVER! Metallica RULES!!!
I think a lot of the aformentioned bands had a unique style that helped define currnet"Heavy Metal". Back in the day, these bands pushed the envelope and were very much hated by our parents. I was lucky enough to catch Nirvana and Alice in Chains at some clubs LONG before they ever got airplay. I remember thinking Nirvana was never gonna make it - Two years later I was hooked on their sound. Carl, Spinal Tap had some great (funny) lyrics and a pretty cool sound - actually sounding better then some of the bands they were making fun of. Keep it at 11!!!
I guess I'll get me a pair of Cerwin Vegas and check out some of these awesome tunes. Such catchy song titles, too. I think the Buzzard of Oz really shows off my system. I just love to watch those woofers wiggle, don't you?
OK Mettalica is good, but I'm surprised no one mentioned Judas Priest--they seriously added a lot to the genre. I agree with all of the Sabbath votes. Although Zeppelin is probably the best rock band--I agree that they don't belong here in the metal category.