Best female vocals on CD

Want recommendations for Female recordings on CD. Thanks Joe
There is a 17 years old, Amber Collins, who is lead singer for a local bluegrass band, No Speed Limit. They are new, with only two CDs thus far. But, I must tell, Amber's singing ability is increadible!!

The Band is loaded with talent, 2001 Merlefest National Guitar winner, playing the inauguration of the VA governor 2006, and placing 3rd in the Nashville International Band Competition.

She is not in the big time yet. But I wanted to toss the name out for any of you fellow Audiogoners whom may enjoy modern bluegrass. I frequent the local music venues (Blue Ridge Mountains of VA) and have seen this band 3 times now - very impressive pickin & singing.
Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye by Jeri Southern. It's on a great cd by Charlie Haden's Quartet West. Karryn Allyson's version is a worthy second.
My nomination is Kirsty Hawkshaw - tracks under her name, with BT, with Opus - she has a fantastic voice!