best pink floyd dark side cd

what cd version of dark side of the moon offers the best sonics
David, I thought they were talking about a cd. I'm glad a have a MoFi copy, I actually got lucky enough to find one used for about $15 in 1999. Felt like I won the lottery! Who would want to sell that, anyway? Charlie
i have a german cd pressing of dsotm that absolutely smokes the mfsl and the rest of the cd's of the disc i own. got it from a friend who travels extensively in europe. its a demo, done for a dutch radio group, so i don't have useful identifying info. i agree down the line with rec. the mfsl is only marginally better that the 1st (us) cd pressing. it really isn't worth buying the mfsl unless you get a sealed copy and keep it sealed; that's certainly what mfslgold is banking on. sound quality, BTW, has no positive correlative relationship to "collectability," which is a fleeting and fickle phenomenon. witness the most recent auctions of early 20th century art (but for the picasso blue period piece). david99: IMO, the best vinyl of dark side is the mfsl uhqr, followed closely by the original emi harvest 1st pressing.
Cornfedboy, I will give you $10 bucks for that cd, which is a pretty good deal seeing how it has a bunch of furren writin' on it. And, can I have your number so that I can get my son to call you. I can't seem to get this Pokemon collectability thing through to him and I need some help. It would be worth the billable hours to me. [:)] Charlie