Mozart's Requiem- Best recording on CD

I'm looking for an excellant recording of Mozart's Requiem on CD. There are tons of available, but which ones are recorded well? Any recommendations?
It is also important to remember that Mozart did not "write" much of the Requiem, just a few sections and sketches for the rest. Which version then becomes an important consideration.
All the above mentioned, and most recordings use the Sussmayr edition..........Hogwood uses Maunder edition, and Norrington uses Druce edition......for those who like Mozart cantatas you must own Exultate Jubilate and other assorted works on Oiseau-Lyre label 411 832-2 Hogwood/Emma Kirkby/Westminster boys choir, demonstration class sound
There is an excellent edition by Robert Levin, Mozart Scholar at Harvard and pianist on many of Hogwoods original instrument Mozart Piano works. There is one recording available by a Boston Orchestra. I personally do not care for the Hogwood/Maunder recording.
I too sing in a choir (a good church choir), and I agree with Sugarbrie as to the Scheier performance. Sound is pretty good, and the soloists are top notch. The Boston one that he refers to in his latest is, I think, the Pearlman/Boston Baroque (sp, I'm sure) on Telarc, which I have not heard. It undoubtedly will have good sound, judging by their other discs, which I have, but I've not heard the version they sing. If I'm right on the ensemble, the choir will be smaller than you might otherwise be used to as well (I have their Bach Mass in B Minor).
Yes, that is it. The Perlman/Boston Baroque for the Robert Levin version. I've sung the whole Levin version in Baltimore for a Music Scholar Conference with Levin in attendance. We also sung parts from the other versions for comparison. Fun Day !!!!