Greatest Guitar Band

I thought just before Christmas I'd get a good thread going. IMHO,the greatest guitar band was the Yardbirds, not because E Clapton,or J Beck, or J Page was in it but because Chris Deja, and Paul Samwell-Smith were great rhythm and bass guitarists that could rock and keep up with the above. Plus Jim McCarty the drummer could keep the group in line and fine harmonica work from Keith Relf(ok not the greatest vocalist, more of a finesse singer).They had it all, I cannot think of another band that had three great guitarists in the band at one time(J Beck, C Deja, P Samwell-Smith). In 1967, when J Beck and J Page were in the band togther as co-lead guitars, they were the lead in band for the rolling stones, they just blow them away,ok, that is not a fair comparison considering the rolling stones still cannot play their instruments very well. But in comparison to say Led Zepplin, LZ did not have a rhthym guitarist(except J Page would overdub that part on recordings). That made them sound not as well rounded live as far as guitar work is concerned. I am not saying LZ was a bad band on the contrary,they put on probably the best show ever, but I do not consider them a guitar band per se. Besides, J Page stole vitually from his former band anyway. Remember "How Many More Times" is a repackaged version of the YBs "Smokestack Lightning", a Howlin Wolf tune. YBs version is in my mind the best rock song ever. So what do you think????

My vote is for the Dead. Garcia/Lesh had a synergy that was other worldly. "Hollywood" Bobby Weir filling in the spaces between Jerry and Phil.

The original New Riders of the Purple Sage with Dave Nelson, John "Marmaduke" Dawson and Buddy Cage, sometimes joined by Garcia, Lesh and Hart were an outrageous guitar band. Not everyone's cup of tea musically, but a boat load of talent.

The newer David Nelson Band is very enjoyable, with a lot of very proficient guitar interplay between Dave Nelson, Barry Sless and keyboards (w/ occasional guitar) of Mookie Siegel.

Duane Allman/Dicky Betts/Barry Oakley combo are right up there in my book as well.

Both Phil Lesh and Barry Oakley play(ed) with a style that turned the bass from a backbeat foundation to an upfront lead melody machine.

My user name is taken from one of my favorite Dead tunes: Slipknot!
usually put in as part of Help On The Way>Slipknot!>Franklin's Tower trilogy in live shows. Probably explains my vote for the GD as the greatest guitar band ;)
My favorite guitar bands are The Mission UK, Fields Of The Nephilim, and The Cure.
The Rockets, The Outlaws, Derick and the Dominoes, Marshall Tucker, The Great Guitars...
Although I didn't read every thread (and a lot of great bands have been mentioned), I noticed that the greatest R & R band--THE ROLLING STONES are absent!!! Also, the KINKS and BOSTON rank right up there!!