Best Music Review Resource

A recent thread brought up discussion of incorrect reviews by Stereophile of the SONIC qualities/ratings of reviewed music. What are some resources that you have found to be helpful and accurate? Thanks, Charlie.
I have always been very pleased with the Stereophile "Records To Die For" February issue each year. I've gone back in there website archives and found some excellant material. I'd say I like 90% of there recomendations. Also get the Music Direct catalog sent to you. They point out the recomendations for Stereophile, The Absolute Sound, and there own recomendations.
I find the best reviews are the published ones (ie on paper). Look the the Penguin Guide, or Schwann Opus.
For those just starting out with Classical, there is a good publication from PBS/NPR (public radio). It is the Performance Today Basic Record Library. It has a good list of most composers with three recommendations for each work.
The All-Music Guide site ( is a fabulous music reference - not exactly a review site per se, but lots and lots of information about music - bands, albums, genres, etc.
Kitch, I cannot allow one more glorification of Cowboy Junkies on this list to pass unattended, esp. when it comes at the expense of Lucinda Williams. Yeah, Margo Timmons voice sounds nice, but she doesn't actually sing with it much. It's kind of boring. And to mix genres, Lucinda has so much more soul and personality than Diana Krall -- this is analogous to a club vs. conservatory upbringing comment that was made elsewhere in a jazz thread. I love the way Lucinda moans and steps on the beat -- it's 'cause she's her own woman! Rock on! All in good fun -- there sure is enough music out there for everyone!