Best Music Review Resource

A recent thread brought up discussion of incorrect reviews by Stereophile of the SONIC qualities/ratings of reviewed music. What are some resources that you have found to be helpful and accurate? Thanks, Charlie.
Nope Eldragon I think out of the UK mags on Hi-fi-then Hi-fi News is the best--that's not saying much I'm afraid. The very latest Hi-fi+ (which I kind of like)is pretty disgraceful in terms of basically being an advertising vehicle for one famous UK retailer--it also features a couple of writers I frankly don't trust for similar reasons. I tend to think News is the best written for what it's worth...I'm not a big fan of hi-fi mags in general although I do buy them all. Okay I admit it..I like looking at the pictures!!!
I have always been very pleased with the Stereophile "Records To Die For" February issue each year. I've gone back in there website archives and found some excellant material. I'd say I like 90% of there recomendations. Also get the Music Direct catalog sent to you. They point out the recomendations for Stereophile, The Absolute Sound, and there own recomendations.
I find the best reviews are the published ones (ie on paper). Look the the Penguin Guide, or Schwann Opus.
For those just starting out with Classical, there is a good publication from PBS/NPR (public radio). It is the Performance Today Basic Record Library. It has a good list of most composers with three recommendations for each work.