What's your favorite lyric from a song?

Just curious what stays with people...
She Came Along to Me

Words by Woody Guthrie-1942
Music by Wilco-1998

Ten hundred books could I write you about her
Cause I felt if I could know her
I would know all women
And they've not been any too well known
For brains and planning and organized thinking
But I'm sure the women are equal
And they may be ahead of the men

Yet I wouldn't spread such a rumor around
Cause one organizes the other
And sometimes the most lost and wasted
Attract the most balanced and sane
And the wild and the reckless take up
With the clocked and the timed
And the mixture is all of us
And we're still mixing

But never never never
Never could have it been done
If the women hadn't entered into the deal
Like she came along to me

And all creeds and kinds and colors
Of us are blending
Till I suppose ten million years from now
We'll all be just alike
Same color, same size, working together
And maybe we'll have all of the fascists
Out of the way by then
Maybe so

But never never never
Never could have it been done
If the women hadn't entered into the deal
Like she came along to me
"We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the clahssroom(sic)
Teacher leave us kids alone"
Saki70, "Signs" by 5 Man Electric Band, Great tune!

"Said hey there Mister can't you read, you got to have a shirt and tie to get a seat. (I think the rest goes) , " You can't eat no you can't sleep , you aint supposed to be.
And the sign said got to have a membership card to get inside".
Saki and Ozzy - yes I agree thats a great song. My fave part is the last part when he goes to the church....