Amazing Solo Piano Recordings

I'm looking to get your oppinions on the best solo piano recordings available. Style or genre is not important as long as the recording is pristine, clear, open and in your oppinion AMAZING! Please if you can, state artist, label, etc., so we audiogoner's can buy 'em!
Albert I also "Dig Bill Evans" May I recommend the JVC XRCD recordings of many of his works. For sonics with a real live sound James Welch Razamatazz albums on Wilson Recordings are among the best you'll find. Ragtime music on an upright grand piano. There are three of these albums (LP) and if you like rag you'll love these. Don't know about current availability as Wilson stopped producing records.
Tubegroover, great to hear from another Bill Evans fan! I think I have just about every recording he ever made (one entire shelf of LP's). I also own the Wilson/ James Welch recordings you mention on LP, and although I agree that the sonics are superb, the performance provided less emotional content for me. I do have one piano recording by Keith Jarrett that astounds me. It is on A&M Horizon, and also features Charlie Haden, Ornette Coleman, Alice Coltrane and Paul Motian. This is not only a passionate performance, it has an uncanny ability to capture the color, dynamics and realism that I rarely hear in a piano recording.
Here's a couple of nice ones that weren't mentioned above: Jean-Yves Thibaudet's "Conversations with Bill Evans" and George Winston's "Autumn."
Kieth Jarrett Check ECM Label for your choice. There are to many to list. Evan's "symbiosis"
Murray Perahia, "The Aldeburgh Recital" on Sony Classical. PRISTINE technique, touch and nuance, CLEAR sense of melodic line, OPEN to emotional content of the music, an AMAZING artist. Oh yeah, and the sound is great. Live ambience a plus. Best piano recording that I own.