Techno Anyone?

Does any body on this forum every listen to techno type music? I do a little and am amazed at how good some of it actually sounds and it also tends to be very adventurous. Or are most of you the Tech*NO* crowd which I would understand.
Great suggestions above. My current faves (mostly goaTrance) include:
-Analog Pussy
-Atmospheric DnB
-Eat Static
-Jedi Mind Tricks
-Paul Oakenfold
-Voice of Buddah

Many can still be easily downloaded.
I don't know if this is propely classified as techno, but no one has mentioned Aphex Twin or Autchre. Plaid's good to.
If dance music ain't your thang, these are a bit more cereberal (Don't flame that, I just mean it's for listening only, not for dancing.)
Not everyone can dig it, but textural/ambiant stuff like Pan_sonic and Oval should be checked out. What they do with your speakers may make you a tad nervous though.
Heh techno folks check out Daft Punk's most resent release it is GREAT. Old school techno at it's best.
AUTECHRE! These guys are the true wizards of techno today. Along with Aphex Twin, they have set the standard for what techno is and can be- that is, highly complex, highly subtle music meant for serious, sustained, unstoned listening (as opposed to dancing). Check out in particular Autechre's _Tri Repetae_ and _Chiastic Slide_ and Aphex Twin's _Richard D. James_ and _Selected Ambient Works Vol.II_. There are lots of other decent, interesting techno acts which can sound surprising good on a high-end system. The Future Sound of London, Orbital, even Underworld and Moby, come to mind. I am also quite enthusiastic about the later releases of the dark ambient dub act Scorn. But if you want to find out what techno is really about, the ultimate refutions of the "bleeps and beats" cliche are Autechre and Aphex Twin.
Tireguy and Wellen,and all interested in techno.I just found a replacement for the future sound of london! Comparision with FSOL is actually good thing. The newest from ' Plaid' called 'Double figure' is one of the most notable record in recent releases. The music is Sophisticated, very subtle, very very cool without being in your face, a la FSOL. Although not completely like FSOL, but ambient parts, the complex textures and layers, the exotic sounds are truly fresh and remains taht way after multiple listening. On high end system you can appreciate the music even more. Wellen next on my list is your recommendations from Autechre and Aphex Twin.I never had one. By the way anyone knows what happened to the FSOL?