Favorite solo piano players...cds

I collect Erroll Garner,David Orsborn and David Lantz..plus
many others...I especially like solo piano...Does anyone
have recommendations...or favorite piano pieces?
yes Keith Jarrett of course, and Paul Bley has some beautiful solo piano albums out. for duo there's a nice one I've been listening to lately- also recorded well- Kenny Barron & Charlie Haden. For more on the classical side: I like, (as others have said) Murray Perahia for Chopin, (that 70's recording of sonatas # 2&3 is sooo nice), besides all the others... Andras Schiff for Bartok, oh- and Zoltan Kocsis plays Debussy beautifully. What I've really been blown away with recently though is a 2CD set of Messiaen's "Vingt Regards sur l'Enfant Jesus" played by Pierre-Laurent Aimard, on the Teldec label. WOW! Amazing playing, and writing. and recorded well to boot, albeit it maybe a bit bright.. worth checking out, especially if you like Messiaen.
Ivan Moravec - an extremely intelligent and compelling musician, particularly rewarding as an interpreter of Chopin. Try any of his recordings for the Connoisseur Society label.

I'll check out some Ivan Moravec, thanks for the tip. By the way- your moniker- I have a friend who's family once had a beautiful home by the same name...
He has cut albums that are solo piano, some with a band, and some combo. Solo efforts include "Spirit" and "Soul Nature". "Gateway" is a great CD cut with his band. Good combo performances include "Coming Home" and "Collection"(a best of). His works are usually listed under the New Age category.
Billy Barber of Flim and the BB's fame cut 2 CD's in the middle 1980's. Nice to listen to on a rainy day.