What Chopin solo piano cds are the best?

Does anyone know which CHOPIN PIANO SOLO cds sound the best?
Is there a particular pianist, box set or cd that you can recommend? Thanks....Tony
I see excellent taste in the references to the classic performances of Moravec, Lipatti, Rubinstein, and Michelangeli. My German mother-in-law is a concert pianist and a Chopin connoisseur/collector: she once gave me a CD I was very impressed with: El Bacha, Chopin Oeuvres de Jeunesse 2 (1828-1829) (Forlane 1998); it made me love Chopin's juvenilia as I never did before. For the Nocturnes I keep coming back to the Livia Rev on Hyperion, somewhat unsteady rhythmically, but lovingly played and relaxing before bedtime.
Glad to be of service Greg. When the music is this important, it is essential to have the best performances.
AS you probably know, Pollini is a student of Michelangeli's, and has the chops to be able to pull off the nightmarishly difficult Etudes. The record has been in the Catalougue since 1971 and I am sure it must be in print as even DG knows it may be the finest Etudes ever recorded;

CHOPIN: ETUDES OP 10 & 25; DGG 413794-2 (CD)
DGG 2530291 (LP)
The sound is mostly dreadful lacking in bottom fundamentals, but with a performance this great, who cares......Frank
...playing Chopin...Michelangeli and Lupu...either one of them will put the others to shame...
Iasi, Thanks for mentioning RADU LUPU. This piano virtuoso really has ability on Brahms and Schumann, but I never heard him play Chopin. He worked for Decca/London, but I never saw anything on that label regarding He and Chopin. Can you elaborate on this?...........Frank