Most eye-opening upgrade and what you learned

Would love to know about moments of light on the high-end audio learning curve.

My husband and I number among the academic poor ...
with preferences which substantially exceed our budget.
Nonetheless, we have managed an aha!! experience or
two of our own.

The mating of conrad johnson tube preamp with krell solid
state amp opened our eyes about the role of electronics
in creating presentation.

Listening to the revel salons set our standards for hearing music rather than sound from an audio playback system.

Know that many of you have deeper insight, am hoping you
will share.

Newcomer to audiogon
Anybody care to guess what my own personal audio
eye-opener/epiphany might have been?Hint-it wasn't cables, room treatments, speaker placement or tubes.


Ken: It wouldn't be losing weight and taking regular doses of Viagra would it? Seems that I read about your light and rigid approach somewhere.
I'll say it for Ken. I alternate between valves and SS, between cones and panels, thumping fat cables and weed whacker cord, software formats. But one thing never changes - Ken's Neuance shelves beat all-comers every time. I'm a demon tweaker, but if I ever put anything in place of the Neuances, they are back in seconds.