I'll give a resounding second vote in favor of the Nakamichi SR series receivers, SR-2/3/4. Without doubt, the best sounding receivers ever made. Also, extremely reliable & well built. Exactly the opposite is true of any NAD receiver- built like crap & horribly unreliable(and those of you with experience to the contrary, trust me, you're just lucky). The Yamaha R-2000 was OK, built well enough, but the amp uses a very unreliable hybrid IC 2-channel driver module that is very, very unavailable now. And the discrete Yamaha receivers since then have been gritty as heck on top & tend to blow up rather frequently.
My second favorite receiver, next to the Naks, is the McIntosh MAC1700 tube/ss hybrid. Superb sounding tuner & very nice on the whole. And totally bulletproof.
My opinions are based on being both an audiophile & a servicer of high-end audio for over 20 years.
Stephen Sank