Bill; it looks to me that at 25 X 16 X 9+, you already have excellent dimensions and the rest is set-up, furnishing, treating etc. At 14 X 22, I consider my room quite good with the limiting factor being the low 7 1/2 ft. ceiling ht.
think you alteady have a "winner" on your hands. If you don't have a good dedicated AC system, that's what I would look at 1st, but then it's my guess that you've already done that. Good luck with any project work. Keep us up-dated on your progress. Craig
think you alteady have a "winner" on your hands. If you don't have a good dedicated AC system, that's what I would look at 1st, but then it's my guess that you've already done that. Good luck with any project work. Keep us up-dated on your progress. Craig