An unscientific poll: How often are you happy?

What percentage of the time do you just break out in a smile and thoroughly enjoy the music *and* the sound when you fire up your system? 10%? 50%? 99%? (The other times: you hear something wrong, something lacking, needs tweaking, needs upgrading, colorations, distortions, you hear a noise, a tube might be going, not musical enough, can't suspend your disbelief the way you want to, your expectations are disappointed, it doesn't sound like you remember the dealer's system did, doesn't sound like you remember your friend's system did, you made the wrong move with the last upgrade, you doubt the money you recently spent really made a difference, the recording is too flawed, you wonder what it would sound like if you changed this or that, you enjoyed it more in the car, you question whether you've truly got your priorities in perspective, etc...) Give your %, and list the approximate $ investment you have in the system (specify new or used valuation). Mine: happy about 15% of the time, valuation around $17,000 if all bought new. Conclusions - if any - drawn later...
I'm never happy. Even prozac doesn't help. But wait a minute.... SCOTCH !!..... now there's an idea....err... excuse me folks.
Tibina, Serotininereuptakeinhibitors like Prozac are stongly contraindicated, since (amongst impairing other pleasurable things ) they reduce listening acuity. Scotch is excellent for hearing on the other hand, but as is the case with sidenafil or haldoperidol, you've got to get the right dosage to make it work best. The right dosage has to be found by experimenting: You have to drink and listen, listen and drink until one of the two is impaired. If you exibit a strong detrimental reaction to both, you've gone too far and should reduce listening by about two CDs or 5 LPs a day until you can hear that wind (flatus) again, bursting out in a sharp transient about three feet below and behind the second cornet in the third opening bar of Wagner's Overture to the Götterdämmerung on the blue garlicflower Deutsche Grammophon 123456 with Herr Professor Dr.Dr. von Karajan and his Berliners.(Bad luck for those, who do not listen to vinyl. They'll never know the true Nirvana, because this test is vital for the right dosage.) Statistics show however, that complications may occur with those subjects, who need more Scotch to get through the entire opera until its very end.
Doctor, I must take pains to point out that the offending coronetist had undoubtedly been drinking beer (beir), not scotch, before performing his percussive exclamation! Wouldn't it be indicated only to imbibe spirits that are like in kind to those consumed by the musicians themselves, if one wants to stand a chance of most closely approaching the absolute sound? (Thread's dead anyway, may as well bury it...)
does this mean that i should shoot up copious amounts of smack the next time i listen to any of my velvet undergroung/lou reed lps? maybe there *is* a hidden meaning in metal machine music!