SEPT 11?

I thought I'd take a moment to see if fellow A'gonners had any special plans. For me it will be pretty much buisness as asual.

I intend to take a personal moment of silence however,

I wondered if the point in which you made would be touched upon. With respect sir I salute you.

However, I ask you this if it souldn't have happened why did it? I ask for your thoughts as to what can be done to avoid future events. You see essentially what you stated has been true for years. Take desert storm for example, our reaction to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait was much too sudden for us not to have been informed before hand. But instead of exploiting this information to potential allies and preventing it and/or obtaining the respect of other nations, which in tern, would have allowed us the opportunity to eliminate terrorist groups prior to becoming a problem. Instead we elect to sit on our thumbs and react to events rather to prevent them.

EEK.....Do I understand you guys correctly?? Was it Poland's fault for not protecting its citzens from the Nazi's? Do the 6 million Jews who died at the hands of the Nazi's only have themselves to blame?? It it only a women's fault for not protecting herself better when she is mugged or worse? I agree I wish our government was more pro-active in these things, but to be blamed for the barbaric acts of others is too much??

if there were no masks and theatrical plays inside the political structures of our country, the government would AT LEAST publicly ask us civilians for forgiveness rather than showing off how patriotic and strong we are.


seing is believing and i can state that we're not as strong as it seems since we prefere being in the mask rather than uncover sincerely and honest.

in the mask we could state that we're angels and anything happened isn't our fault at all.

as i stated before just wake up and learn to reveal a tru sight of what's going on arround you...
It's hard to argue with the statement that as a nation we delude ourselves into thinking we are both strong and safe. Poland allowed herself to be caught unaware. Everyone knew what was happening in Germany, Hitler made no pretense about rearming. He claimed to be "catching up" but we saw the result of that. I'm almost afraid to say this for being accused of antisemitism; which I deny, but the Jews have been persecuted so many times in their history they assumed this was just another burden to bear. They ignored Hitlers obvious and stated intentions to their own detriment. The point of all this is to say: we as a nation have done the same things with enemies internal and external.
I hope and pray that those who died last year did not die in vain. We need to wake up!

I believe you misinterpreted my intentions. The point I was trying to make was very similar to that of Markanetz.

Comparing the fate of the Jews or an individual who is violated is essentialy comparing apples and squash. We aren't speaking of individuals but of a government body in which had failed not in one instance but several. Thus, allowing to events of 9-11 to occur. I am not suggesting that it was known exactly what would happen but I am suggesting that it was a result of callous disregard. Too frequently our law makers simply create "make happy" laws as opposed to addressing real issues. We can spend all days analyzing the symptoms of problems but, until we address the problem itself it never ceases or improves for that matter.

In Texas recently a law was passed lowering the blood alchohol level in which one is considered intoxicated as an attempt to deter fatal accidents caused by drunk drivers. Granted this would be a great idea if the responsible adult who goes out to dinner with his or her family and has a single glass of wine was the culprit which is all the alchohol consumption in which is required to get a DWI. The events of Sept. 11 are similar in nature we have known for years what terrorists groups posed a threat as well as the fact that several of thier members were in our country. What did our government do about it? Nothing.
