I wondered if the point in which you made would be touched upon. With respect sir I salute you.
However, I ask you this if it souldn't have happened why did it? I ask for your thoughts as to what can be done to avoid future events. You see essentially what you stated has been true for years. Take desert storm for example, our reaction to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait was much too sudden for us not to have been informed before hand. But instead of exploiting this information to potential allies and preventing it and/or obtaining the respect of other nations, which in tern, would have allowed us the opportunity to eliminate terrorist groups prior to becoming a problem. Instead we elect to sit on our thumbs and react to events rather to prevent them.
I wondered if the point in which you made would be touched upon. With respect sir I salute you.
However, I ask you this if it souldn't have happened why did it? I ask for your thoughts as to what can be done to avoid future events. You see essentially what you stated has been true for years. Take desert storm for example, our reaction to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait was much too sudden for us not to have been informed before hand. But instead of exploiting this information to potential allies and preventing it and/or obtaining the respect of other nations, which in tern, would have allowed us the opportunity to eliminate terrorist groups prior to becoming a problem. Instead we elect to sit on our thumbs and react to events rather to prevent them.