SEPT 11?

I thought I'd take a moment to see if fellow A'gonners had any special plans. For me it will be pretty much buisness as asual.

I intend to take a personal moment of silence however,

I am a letter carrier as stated before. After seing what goes on behind closed doors within the USPS I wouldn't doubt you for a second. Except, in our buisness these sorry ba$tards call it protecting the sanctity of the mail.
I am disappointed in how the members choose to derail the intent of this thread. It's all rememberance. Go start another thread if you want to complain, criticize, posture your beliefs, etc.
I took my team to lunch today and told them that if anyone asked how I choose to spend my time in rememberence today, it was that I spent some time with people that really mean something to me and that I love very much - which is all true - we have been together for years and are more like a family that coworkers.
I think that is a big part of the lesson - to not take life, loved ones for granted and to appreciate every moment.