2 channel system, would a sub be friend or foe?

First of all let me say I am happy with the sound of my system, I do how ever have an opportunity to try a highly regarded sub in my system. To sub or not to sub that is the question?? The system is in the virtual systems- Tireguy's rig/system or something along those lines. I must admit I am skeptic about the sub, but ya never know! The other thing in the corner of my mind is saving a little more and upgrading to 20.1's from the 3.6's and that would end the debate :) what are your thoughts? ~Tim
I'm in agreement with Stehno. I also considered adding a sub to my system only because of the introduction of movies and home theater. With 2-Channel audio, the low end of my system was more than satisfactory with the Thiel 22's. When I choose my sub, I felt that enhancing my 2-Channel system a priority to home theater.

Like the others have mentioned, intergration is key to getting a positive result with subs for music listening. It is key to getting a sub that will crossover low enough to match good full range speakers as well as one that has enough crossover point for good intergration. I am crossing over by Rel Stadium III at 23Hz with my Thiel's. I would have never thought that I would be crossing over this low.

It will take one many hours of critical listening in adjusting crossover points as well as subwoofer volume levels, but once the correct adjustments are found, the listener will be simply amazed on what a good sub can do to an already great sounding system. All musics will benefit the addition of a good subwoofer. Even music that one would think would not benefit with a sub just sounds better.

It's obvious that I strongly recommend a sub to anyone who wishes to take their system to the next level.

I have owned a pair of 3.6 Maggies and they do sound good. Although they are rated a Stereophile class A speaker, they are in the category of restricted extreme low frequency speakers.

Having a no cost opportunity to audition a good sub with these great speakers seems like a no brainer.
Thank you all for your input, my friend who was telling me I needed a sub brought his REL strata III up with him and we got to listening and he agreed I didn't need a sub- in fact we just got into the music so much we agreed we didn't want to waste time trying set it up- I may not have that last little bit of bass performance but everything else is right on. I think 20.1 maggies, A1 Soundlabs or Kharma midi grand's will one day make me grin like an even bigger fool than I am. Cheers