Best device for adjusting cartridge overhang.

I am getting back into vinyl again and am curious what device everyone finds best for adjusting the overhang of the cartridge. The one I used to like the best was one Stereophile magazine gave out years ago for signing up for a new subscription. Also have used the plastic Dennison and a few others.
Twl - Thanks very much for recommending the Turntable Basics model. I will be sure to check that one out.
I really like the Wallytractor and have kept it after I sold my TT rig. When I get another TT, it will be really nice to have. They are easier and more precise than anything else I have used. I think the price just went up ($150?), which is pretty insane. Wallytractors for certain arms are sold here for ~$60, though, and they are well worth that price. In any case, a mirrored protractor is usually the way to go.
I, too, have used the Turntable Basics model to good effect both setup-wise and budget-wise. I took a flier and bought one via E-Bay and subsequently found that Turntable Basics had a number of other worthwhile gizmos. Worth a look.