What do You listen to?

I was just browsing through the forums and ran across the "Most acheingly beautiful music" forum, and looked through all the responses and im somewhat confused.

Risking an all out brutal verbal assault by the 'Gon'ers, its becoming my impression that alot of the people here have a very limited taste in music.

It seems to be isolated around Classical, Contemporary, Soft Rock, and blues/jazz.

I would say Rock, but honestly, when i think of Rock i think of Metallica and GodSmack, not Jethro Tull or Grateful dead.
(i guess thats just an opinion though.

Now, Im hoping that people here have wider taste in music, after all, it comes in so many forms (even ones that older people refuse to recognize)

I mean hey, i gotta be honest, one of the best recordings ive heard was EMINEM's Marshal Mathers. Talk about a hell of a recording (musical content aside), it was crisp, clear, focused, and over all, one of the best recordings ive heard. (once again, im risking a brutal verbal assault.

So, Lets hear it for what types of music people listen to!
Just because i would rather Jam out to Metallica and drink beer instead of listening to Motzart with a fine wine does not mean my passion for music is any less!


Want a pretty wide variety of music? Here is what i listen to.

Godsmack, Limkon Park, Korn, Metallica, Alice in Chains, Mad Season, Rage Against the Machine, Sound Garden, AudioSlave, P.O.D., Union underground, Powerman 5000, Rob Zombie, Pantera,

Britany Spears, Pink, uhh.. well.. not too much there. hehe

Genuine, Destinys child, Usher, Bell Biv Devoe, SWV, Alisha Keys, TLC,

Cypress Hill, Akinyele, Ice Cube, Ice T, Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Bone, Outkast, Insane Clown Posse(no im not a juggalo),
Nate Dogg, Warren G, DMX, Rehab, Busta Rhymes, Ludacris

Ja-Rule, MC Hammer, Cisco, Fat Joe, Afroman, uhh... I like rap better than hiphop.

Prodigy(older stuff), Chemical Brothers(older stuff), LTJ Bukem, MC Conrad and DRS, Underworld, Blame, Daft Punk, Intence

ColdCut, Unkle, DJ Krush, DJ Food.

Apogyma Bezerk, WumpScut, KMDFM, Die Krupps, Skinny Puppy, Front 242, Frontline Assembly, Project Pitchfork, Nitzer Ebb, Ministry, Nine inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Leather Strip, Good Courage, Penal Colony, MDFMK, Einsturzende Naubauten, Rammstein, My Life with the Thrill Kill Cult, too many to list!

Nirvana, Peral Jam, Foo Fighters, Creed, Oasis, Coldplay, uhh...

Aphex Twin, Legendary Pink Dots, Tear Garden, Massive Attack, Locust, Autechre, Crash Worship, Edward Kaspel solo performances, Twilight circus,

Chistian Death, Current 93

Eric Clapton, BB King, John Hooker, Dizzy Gilespi (did i spell that right?) Santana, Whity-Ford, (trying to find more blues bands. i LOVE the blues.

What can i say? i dont listen to it. It feels somewhat formless and made up on the spot to me. Maybe i just need to look into it harder.

--Just a disclaimer, yes, i did list a couple satanic bands, however, i have no ties to the devil, The dark lord, the long walker, Cthulhu, Beezlebub, guy in red, the underlord, the silent beast, etc etc.. i do not slaughter goats or cast voodoo spells. I dont agree with the content but listen to it for its musical qualities which are suprisingly good, there is alot of heart and soul put into it, no puns intended.

So who else has such a wide taste in music?
I own CD's of everything listed above!

lets hear it for music that others do not regfard as music!!!!!!!!

Audiophanatik: I know of and listen to quite a few different bands that you mentioned. Having said that, some of what you did list is utter crap : )

As a side note, Satanism is the worship of Satan. The name says it all. As to what your "definition" of Satanism is, it sounds as if you are blending "new age humanism" and "white witchcraft" together. This is the kind of image that they are trying to "market" to the public through publications sold in "occult" or "new age" book stores, but the bottom line is still the same as it has always been i.e. denouncing the diety of God / Christ and promoting the "feel good" side of man's own lust for power and glory.

As a side note, the "Salem Witch Trials" had nothing to do with "witchcraft". The people that were "burned at the stake" were practioners of a form of "Christianity" that did not acknowledge the hierarchy of the Catholic church, denounced the Pope and rejected the doctrine of the Trinity. As such, they were pronounced "non-believing heretics", treated as "pagans" ( a horribly misused and misunderstood term ) and murdered for their beliefs.

Driver & Brian: Kind of "funny" what passes for "Christian Music" nowadays, isn't it ? If you want to hear something that will really freak you out in terms of "singing praise to God" and "jamming", try listening to a Christian "Death Metal" band out of Australia called "Mortification". They make "modern" Christian bands like POD and "old school" Christian rockers like Resurrection Band sound like Britney Spears !!! These guys "pound" !!!

As a side note, have either of you guys ever listened to Barnabus, Andy McCarrol & Moral Majority, Alarma, etc.. ?

Danvetc: I had to laugh when i read your response. Kind of funny how things "change" as one ages, isn't it ? I used to feel the same way as Audiophanatik about Classical music and now i find myself listening to it all the time. What is even funnier is that i just bought a copy of "The String Quartet Tribute to Led Zeppelin" : )

Other than that, i listen to a lot of the bands that others listed, some more than others. It's good to see that most of you listed "non-audiophile approved" bands and recordings as listening to that kind of stuff gets pretty boring REAL quick : ) Sean

Feel like this thread is like being on I-90 at 105mph crossing North Dakota? Going real fast, going absolutely nowhere.
From the almost 14 feet of vinyl and 127 cds I listen to Gothic Rock and Ethereal music genre. Being 50 years of age, it looks as if I'm the only you enjoying this style of music. I once made some bumper stickers than read "I was GOTH before Goth was GHOUL"

The Mission UK
The Fields Of The Nephilim
The Sisters Of Mercy
The Cure
Siouxsie And The Banshees
The Cocteau Twins
Robin Guthrie
Dead Can Dance
Lisa Garrard
Tara Vanflower
Switchblade Symphony
Sunshine Blind
Faith & Disease
Black Tape For A Blue Girl
Love Is Colder Than Death
Love Sprial Downwards
Stone 588
Jennifer Hope


Dark Passages (A Gothic Tribute To The Cocteau Twins)
Tribute to Siouxsie
Tribute to The Mission
Tribute to The Sisters Of Mercy
Excelsis (A Dark Noel; A Winter's Song, vol.2)
The Unquiet Grave


Sigur Ros
Steve Hackett
Black Crowes
Jean-Luc Ponty
Allright Allright Allright.

Here goes, Briansmsomthin, I was born and raised christian. Ive been babtized and all that stuff, i just never coul buy into it.

Salem witch trials, I used that as a refernce for christians assuming something is evil, i realize this had nothing to do with satan, but come on, do you people believe in witches? or was it more of a mass hysteria and murder justified behind religion? My point was people in the past have always jumped to the assumption of the devil for something they dont understand.

Ok, Maybe i should have been a little bit more clear. Mainstream, IE, Pop Satanic, is the worship of the devil, but it does not take a whole lot of research to realize the origional Satanic religions were more of a pagan order and they believed in god and devil, and had aa love for both, because wwithout one the other couldnt exist. You cant experience good unless you have experienced bad, or good would be a simple absolute and not have any reference for any other possibilitys. the Satanic religion played into this, it was not the direct worship of the devil, it wasthe belief of balance. The whole "Devil" aspect twards the Satanic religion was a label that mainstream religions gave the satanic religion due to fear and misunderstanding. That being said, Satanic is what it is called, however, it is no SATAN-IC, it is SA-TAN-ic. The name does not mean devil, it is a coincidence of language. (very unfortuaante one)
Either way, i know what im talking about on this subject and im really getting tired of it, so, i hope this helps educate people on the origins of the Satanic religion and clears some of the misconceptions, if not, then i really dont care.

I know this because im somewhat of knowledge hound, ill find something that interests me and i spend alot of time researching and learning about it. Eventually i grow tired of it an start learning something else. Ask me anything about goldfish! that was another short lived hobby, as well as doll-making, ventriloquism and countless others.

In FACT, the ONLY reason i mentioned that is because there is ALWAYS some jerk who scavenges the forums looking for misprints, or errors that somebody put down and it gives them joy to NO end to tell somone they are wrong, and i figured this would be prime pickings if i put in there that Satanic and devil worship were the same thing.

Looks like it severely backfired, but at this point i could care less.


As far as putting my music in a time capsule and listening to it 20 years later, i doubt i will like it any less. Remember, while you older gentlemen seem to believe it is a phase, im sure if you remember 30-50 years ago when your parents were telling you that the beatles were crap not music, and that this rock and roll was a soon to die fad.
And here you are today listening to the same stuff!!!!!

HA! :)

Its not a matter off age and fads, its aa matter of taste. When im 60 years old, i will be listening to metallica and Korn the way you listen to Led Zepplin
Sean, just for grins I'll check that stuff out.

On a side note, I did an in depth report of the Salem Witch Trials (forget the class) and my analysis of the events pointed to contamination of the crops with ergot which caused the hallucinations.