The Best Inexpensive Wines Available Now

I'm always on the lookout for good wines at a fair value. Ok so maybe cheap wines that taste expensive. Anyway, are there wines that you've had recently that you would consider a terrific value for the price? I personally enjoy the merlot and chardonnay from Clos du Bois which both cost about $14 in New Hampshire. To relax with a glass of either and listen to my music (classical and jazz) does make the early evening sit pleasingly well.
Unbelievable deal at my local shop just after Christmas:

$4.99 per bottle - Lindeman's Cabernet Sauv (from Australia).

This little gem is better than many $20 bottle's!


How many use inexpensive glasses for inexpensive wine, or have you made the plunge for Riedel?! Amazon just had a great 2-for-1 deal on Spiegelau (I got 6 Magnum Bordeaux and 6 Magnum Burgundy glasses for $45!).

Here's another great cheapo wine:
Artazuri Navarre 2001 (Grenache). I don't give a damn about Robt. Parker, but I agree with him that this is a "grenache whore!" 92pts from him, and under $10!

If you like Chateauneuf-du-Pape, you will like this.
Hey Cpdunn99...
I thoght we were the only people who break out the cheap
glasses for cheap wine (under $75) and use the Riedel Sommelier's for the good stuff!
You can get German made high quality knock-offs of the Riedel wine glasses at Fortunoff's here in the NY-NJ area for $5 -$7 a piece. I have a friend who has both. He says the knock-offs are virtually indistinguishable from the Riedel's. I agree.

While listening to his Martin-Logan's, we drank a nice 2000 Cousino-Macul Antiguas Reserva and found both glasses to be excellent.
Galeriehughie--- wish I could afford those Riedel sommeliers! They are damn nice, but the Spiegelau are not too shabby, either.

Theduke: hey, what's the name of those knock-offs? Not Spiegelau? Amazing what a fine combination of wine, glassware, and audio can do! Sounds like a great evening... :-)