The Best Inexpensive Wines Available Now

I'm always on the lookout for good wines at a fair value. Ok so maybe cheap wines that taste expensive. Anyway, are there wines that you've had recently that you would consider a terrific value for the price? I personally enjoy the merlot and chardonnay from Clos du Bois which both cost about $14 in New Hampshire. To relax with a glass of either and listen to my music (classical and jazz) does make the early evening sit pleasingly well.
Incognito (Red) is pretty amazing at $15ish/bottle. Also from the same winemakers is 7 Deadly Zins at about $15, a very good zin. Even better zin is Joel Gott 2002 $16 or the Estate bottle of same for about $26--it doesn't get much better than this! Hahn meritage (2001) is darned astounding at $12ish. Anyone tried these?
If anyone is local to the San Francisco Bay Area, there is a wine from Anderson Valley (a bit to the west and a lot to the north of Napa) that is worth checking out. Its a Viognier from Hawley Vineyard, and is just fantastic for $18/bottle.

I just went to Beltramo's liquor in Menlo Park, and they do not carry it, so I'm not sure where to get it outside of Anderson Valley....
Douglikesaudio: I've had the Incognito. Not bad, but not my style. I thought the 7 Deadly Zins was very fruity, overly oaked, but to each his own. It's great, though, that there are so many quality choices for so many tastes! It's been a while since I tried Hahn...I liked it.. thanks for the reminder...

Niravp: I like some viognier.. will look out for the one you mention.
Cpdunn99, I don't often run into people who've had this group of wines. And I agree with your 7 Deadly assessment. Although, I do really enjoy it. The Hahn being my sub $15 reference, I'd like to hear what you prefer. Do you have some suggestions for a meritage in the same range?