The finest technically recorded album. LP or CD

My two favorites: Nora Jones LP and Willie Nelsons " Star Dust" LP
"Technically recorded" What does this mean? I meant to say recording with the most "presence". Why esle would we buy Hi-end equipment? I thought it was to recreate the actual preformance in our own listening rooms as close as possible.
Lugnut, Count Basie "Basie Jam" The album name Jam #3 is a killer! I just bought it last night along with Janis Ian and Joni Mitchell's "Court and Spark", also I got in mint condition Kenny Barron's "Scratch" on Enja label. WOW what recordings! Thanks for some great leads!
Champtree, I too have #3 as well as #2. By far, the content and realizm of the original is best. It's readily available on Pablo records for next to nothing. It's also avilable from Analogue Productions (the same company that did "Breaking Silence) and is the absolute best. While I agree with Viridian and others that 45 rpm D to D is the ultimate way to go, generic recording technology, especially when you judge content, can so good it's spooky. I've said for years that a good recording is equal or better than thousands of dollars in new equipment. Glad you like my suggestions. You are most welcome!
Please try and excuse me for posting a dissent I'll probably regret ever having let out of the cage:

The majority of these responses ably demonstrate why one should never trust an audiophile in matters of music - or sound...Not only do most of the nominations - including the thread-head's - show little-to-no relation to the question (which I'll acknowledge and as Viridian rightly points out requires some interpretation, but Champtree's subsequent attempt is not far off), even if we take the question merely in the spirit in which it's answered...Well, all I can say is Man! What a laughable parade of missing the forest for the trees. (Hint: Reread SDC's response.)

My apologies. We now return you to your regularly-scheduled audiophool programming...

I don't think I've ever taken issue with one of your posts but if I am reading you right, then you don't believe any of the recordings offered by myself and others were technically done right. Would you please explain yourself?

Like most Audiogoners I compare my system and my music library to live music. Granted, I have very little experience listening to live classical due to lack of interest and opportunity. If rock, jazz, blues or bluegrass listening qualifies then I believe I probably have as much seat time at live events as almost anyone here.

For myself, a recording is technically right when it offers presence, realizm and emotion far above others. I would submit that anything recorded or broadcast in stereo has been subjected to some sort of violence but, in the real world, very few audiophiles even recognize mono as being a legitimate medium. I don't find mono recordings have the emotion to satisfy my listening needs.

I believe all the offerings above are included in the thread "Audiogon recordings to die for". Was this list all wrong too?