Is this a male hobby or are there females bitten

I've noticed in a number of forums that the ratio seems to be about 100 to 1 in favor of males.
It has been proven the female hearing curve is slightly different than the male hearing curve.
As a married mail, I am curious as to the number of females that are as far into stereo or HT. Do you trade equipment or change as often as we males do.?
What a bunch of bull. If you want to 'believe' you just happened and evolved, feel free, but me, we were created, and yes, created with differeces.
Now we're having an evolution vs. creationism debate? I've seen threads get off track before, but geez!
Hey Brianmgrarcom, What Uli said is absolutly correct, i just crawled out of the primordial sludge 6 weeks ago.

thats stuff really gets everywhere, and man is it hard to get off, one would think it was oil based.


Either way, Created, Evolved, just a matter of personal beliefs, however, i think alot of what he said is right, and it can be applied to cration. Im sure if we are made from god he wanted to be sure he had us in our correct roles, so he gave mean the abolity to think on a more broad based 3 dimentional way, and women a more focused and verbal mind.

tell ya one thing, they truly do seem to have eyes in the back of thier head sometimes...
Wow! What a breath of fresh air. There hasn't been a thread characterized by wild generalizations and straw-man logic here in awhile.

Well, as Jack Benny would say. I never expected this and I hope this doe not turn into a dispute.

I agree about clothing - some never worn, some overpriced. I ask to get something, the answer is always NO. I have never said anything about 2 hour long distance calls to her sister, never told her no about clothes, but after 21 years a tube amplifier needs something.

I also notice there is not a post by a female. My wondering is over.