Ruston, i dont see why any woman would be offended with this forums. It is rather odd to find a woman in this hobby. Its nothing amazing or anything, and there is no reason women cannot be into this stuff like guys are, but if you havent noticed, there is a rather sharp contrast in the male to female population of this little subculture.
I just reviewd the past post, and i cannot find anything that i would consider offencive... my wife doesent either...
I agree with Ohlala though, its doubtful any women WOULD answer to this post.
I work in a technical enviornment, and there is alot of sexism twards female technicians, in fact, sometimes if one of our females technicians is talking to a customer tech, sometimes they wont listen to her and basically dont put any credit to what she says. Then i can come in, being male, say what she wants me to tell them, and presto, they listen to it.
Actually, there was this one instance where one of our female technicians was troubleshooting a problem and found the trouble to be in our customers vendor's equipment. The vendor would not believe her and argued with her and was a real sexist jerk to her. So, she grabbed one of the male janitors, wrote down what she wanted him to say, he recited it to the vendor, and all of the sudden the vendor agreed with the diagnosis of where the trouble was. of course the vendor did not know that the MALE he was talking to was not a tech, but a janitor, however, the fact being that the janitor was male and the vendor heard what the female tech was saying through a male voice.
She was also correct too. She is one hell of a technician
Its a buncha crap because the females i work with are great technicians and really know thier juice.
This also happens in the automotive world as well. Its not just guys either, i have known women that would be skeptical of anything technical another woman said.
it basically boils down this this fact, that anything technical is considered a mans world. Men's statements bear more weight than womens in this kind of stuff. Its unfair and it sucks but there is not much i can do about other peoples misconseptions and ignorance. this is the kind of thing that changes over alot of time. Sure there are some people who could care less if the advise came from a woman, im one of them because i work with women in a technical career and i know they are perfectly capable of having relavant and well thought out opinions and advice.
unfortunatly not everyone is like that
i have no doubt there are women on this board who do not reveal this gender because they are afraid that this might discredit thier posts in the minds of many 'gon'ers
I would like to think that most guys on the board could care less if the advise is coming from women. After all, most people on the 'gon are educated, and less likly to hold to those stereotypes.
I wish more women WOULD come forth, because right now it has kinda a boy's only club, or like talking about gear in the lockerroom after racketball. If we were aware of the fact that some of the advise we took was from a woman, it might help break down those barriers.
Just my humble opinion.