Who Would Have Thought?

I'm not a hammer and nails type so forgive my ignorance, but is there really a demand for this type of product?


Not that I need one, but I think it's kinda' a cool way to charge your power tools.
There should be. One of my contractors has ruined two of my portable units while doing work for me. If we still had a working relationship, I think I would buy one of these for him!!


Apparently you have never been to a construction job site.
These guys all use cordless tools now, and there are always at least one, and sometimes several, boomboxes going at the job sites I go to. (I am a civil engineer/land surveyor). It is so prevalent, that some of the cities have taken to banning radios from job sites to keep them from annoying the neighboring residents.
(Given the cities recent actions, these devices may become collector items. Maybe I'll buy one and hope if appreciates in value like my MFSL collection. But then again, maybe not.)
Dewalt has had a similiar product available for a few years. Charges your cordless tool batteries while you annoy the neighbors with loud music