Close call for High Altitude Audio

Anyone watching the news?

Some psycho in Granby Colo, about an hour and a half from denver is on a Bull-dozer rampage.

Looks like he took a massive bulldozer, and welded big armor plates all the way around the cab, and has been trashing the town of Granby. The guy is armed with what the believe to be a 50cal, and the cops cannot penetrate the cab.

Looking in the news, he almost trashed what looks to be a high end audio B&M "High Altitude Audio" but veered away at the last minuit and just ripped all the trees and poles out from the sidwalk in front of the store.

So far i guess nobody has been hurt, which is pretty impressive seeing as how he took out the town hall building, the newspaper building, and Excel energy.

Glad he diddnt trash the Audio store too.

It is all over the news here in colorado, i would expect it to be all over the news in the rest of the usa.

If you dont catch it on the news, it is sure to be on REAL TV here in a week or two.
I saw it. The news made it sound like he was pissed at an adverse zoning board decision. I figure he is knocking down the establishments of the people on the zoning board that he thinks voted against his petition. I'm glad the audio store was spared. The most recent news seemed to show he was stuck, and the cops were walking around on his bulldozer trying to get to him. I think he needs to work on his anger management.
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