Mrmitch you're preachin' to the choir brother! I'll go a step further and say all those who currently hold a seat in power who've repeatedly used patriotism and the troops as a political weapon every chance they get, whilst at the same time voting against true reforms which truly support the troops should be called out for what they truly are: HIPOCRITE'S.
Call 'em what they normal workin' folk can continue to vote these thugs into office is beyond me...don't get me started. Support the troops by supporting them in deeds not empty so called patriotic words...I can't understand people continuing to fall for their crap....and obviously we don't need to specify who "they" are. Okay, I feel mucho better after venting in a forum.
Call 'em what they normal workin' folk can continue to vote these thugs into office is beyond me...don't get me started. Support the troops by supporting them in deeds not empty so called patriotic words...I can't understand people continuing to fall for their crap....and obviously we don't need to specify who "they" are. Okay, I feel mucho better after venting in a forum.