OK Come Clean, whats in your closet ?

No I dont want to hear about any dead bodies or your blue movie collection. I was reading a post on AA about what should people do with their unsold Audio Equipment. Cmon now in addition to that box with a zillion Radio Shack cables what do you have laying around.

I'll come clean.........in the Closet I have

An Anthem MCA 3 series II amp
A Technichs DVDA-10
A Denon Cassette Deck
A BBE sonic maximizer
A Radio Shack rack mounted power conditioner
and 3 NHT Super one speakers.

Not too bad , used to be worse and not that the above items are junk, but who knows, one mans junk could be another mans treaure , maybe this thread can inspire trades or something. So come clean, Whats in your closet ! Thanks.
I was about to proudly say: "I don't have anything in my closet." But then my memory kicked in. I don't have anything as nice as your stuff, but I do have a Dual CS 505 that need two new belts, and a Sony cassette deck. There is a California Audio Labs Icon Mk II on my work bench, but that doesn't count 'cuz it's not in the closet, and I do have a set of AudioQuest sorbothane bigfeet in my cabinet, not to mention the odd phono cartridge laying about.

There, see I don't have anything!
Pioneer PDR 05 CD Recorder
Nakamachi MR-1 cassette deck
Nakamachi BX 2 cassette deck
Sony DAT player
JVC CD Player
cables,cables,power cords
Old Technics turntable (SL-23)
AR Turntable with a Linn Basik Plus arm & Adcom Hexacoil Cartridge
Bryston BP-25 preamp w/ remote
Lots of car amplifier and speaker stuff
Roomtunes Floor Standing PZC 48" Cherry Corner Traps
Roomtunes Cherry PZC Mini Echo and Ceiling Controllers
Sony Audio Video Control Center/Receiver STR AV310
Pioneer PD 450 CD Changer
Pioneer Receiver SX-980 (from back in the day)
Apex AD-600A DVD Player
Lots of cables

Most of it works fine. I might have to motivate myself to sell some of it ;-)