Ironically my closet houses my main least the front end and the preamp.
I've been lately having to be pretty diligent about getting rid of excess because we're doing a major renovation at our home and I also just recently took on a partner in my space at work, so space of all sorts is at a premium. Nevertheless, there is stuff there, some of which is currently on A'gon that I'd kept hoping to build another system from:
Vintage Klipsch Heresys
Chicago Speaker stand (just sold)
Stripped bare metal Target Turntable Shelf
Bizarre CD Scratch Repair device (family Xmas gift)
Klipsch Passive Radiator from Forte II's
Way too many CD's I no longer listen too.
Various tubes in collection that I no longer have a use for.
That's probably as good as it's ever been as there usually is quite a bit more going unused.