OK Come Clean, whats in your closet ?

No I dont want to hear about any dead bodies or your blue movie collection. I was reading a post on AA about what should people do with their unsold Audio Equipment. Cmon now in addition to that box with a zillion Radio Shack cables what do you have laying around.

I'll come clean.........in the Closet I have

An Anthem MCA 3 series II amp
A Technichs DVDA-10
A Denon Cassette Deck
A BBE sonic maximizer
A Radio Shack rack mounted power conditioner
and 3 NHT Super one speakers.

Not too bad , used to be worse and not that the above items are junk, but who knows, one mans junk could be another mans treaure , maybe this thread can inspire trades or something. So come clean, Whats in your closet ! Thanks.
fosgate surround processor 5
broken optonica cassette deck
pioneer combo 8-track/receiver
Radio Shack Nova 5 speakers
scratchy sounding Luxman receiver
numerous ratshack switchers
KLH indoor/outdoor speakers
JVC surround subsat

I've reestablished my Optonica tuner and integrated amp back into the house for my computer desk. Actually the above are in the garage as my closet is too full of other junk I don't use either. Also a whole box of free cables.
Hi, i'm Sean and i have an audio / electronics related disease : )

My "closet" would have to be about the size of a three car garage to hold all of my "spare" electronics and speakers. The last time that i looked for something that i knew i had but didn't know where it was, it took me three months to find it. I'm not joking. By the time i found what it was that i was looking for, the person that was interested in it had sold the complimentary equipment that it would have worked with. Needless to say, i've got WAY too much stuff. Then again, having a lot of "stuff" is what helped me to learn and experience what i have. Sean

PS... Did that sound like a "junky" trying to justify their addiction??? : )
hey sean, im pretty sure there is a 12 step program near you to help treat that nasty addiction.

the first step to recovery is admitting your a stereoholic.

A brute of a receiver, a Sony STR7065. The tuner in this thing is very good. It has apparently died a quiet death but it is too handsome with its wood cabinet to just toss. a couple of little speakers, Yamaha tuner, Koss dvd, misc wires and ic's. Darn, now I'll have to purge it. Out to the shed. Cheers.