Hi, i'm Sean and i have an audio / electronics related disease : )
My "closet" would have to be about the size of a three car garage to hold all of my "spare" electronics and speakers. The last time that i looked for something that i knew i had but didn't know where it was, it took me three months to find it. I'm not joking. By the time i found what it was that i was looking for, the person that was interested in it had sold the complimentary equipment that it would have worked with. Needless to say, i've got WAY too much stuff. Then again, having a lot of "stuff" is what helped me to learn and experience what i have. Sean
PS... Did that sound like a "junky" trying to justify their addiction??? : )
My "closet" would have to be about the size of a three car garage to hold all of my "spare" electronics and speakers. The last time that i looked for something that i knew i had but didn't know where it was, it took me three months to find it. I'm not joking. By the time i found what it was that i was looking for, the person that was interested in it had sold the complimentary equipment that it would have worked with. Needless to say, i've got WAY too much stuff. Then again, having a lot of "stuff" is what helped me to learn and experience what i have. Sean
PS... Did that sound like a "junky" trying to justify their addiction??? : )