OK Come Clean, whats in your closet ?

No I dont want to hear about any dead bodies or your blue movie collection. I was reading a post on AA about what should people do with their unsold Audio Equipment. Cmon now in addition to that box with a zillion Radio Shack cables what do you have laying around.

I'll come clean.........in the Closet I have

An Anthem MCA 3 series II amp
A Technichs DVDA-10
A Denon Cassette Deck
A BBE sonic maximizer
A Radio Shack rack mounted power conditioner
and 3 NHT Super one speakers.

Not too bad , used to be worse and not that the above items are junk, but who knows, one mans junk could be another mans treaure , maybe this thread can inspire trades or something. So come clean, Whats in your closet ! Thanks.
Joe, 2600's typically sell for about $325-$375. The lowest price i've ever seen one sell for was about $275. Other than that, i wasn't aware of Kimber's connection to Bud, but i guess that after looking back, the crossover design might be more visible in hind-sight. For that matter, i wasn't aware of his "zeal" for NAD gear either. Then again, there's a lot of stuff that i don't know. It seems like i find this out everyday : ) Sean
Sean, you mean to tell me my amp is worth about 75% more than I thought? WOO HOO!!!
Well, I have to say that I don't have much gear sitting in my closet these days as over the years, I have sold most of my gear as I have upgraded. But needless to say, I do have a couple of pieces sitting around collecting dust in my closet at the moment.

And they are:

a B&K ST-140 Stereo Power Amplifier, a Perreaux SM2 Dual Mono Preamplifier, and an old 80's NAD 4155 Tuner. All of which I have bought used in the late 1980's/early 1990's (none of which I no longer use).

But, I may hold off on that amp for now. When I assemble my next system in my next house, I may pull the B&K out and put it back in service. But that may depend on which route I'll taking at the time though.
