Best equip stands

Heard mana is pretty good.Any others?Do these really make a difference.Any great and effective surge suppressors that does not veil the sound?
I am a machina dynamica fan, there stands just make sense. There are no whistles, bells, snake oil or foolish claims; just facts. And they are affordable, which makes it even better!

I have heard the neaunce(sp?)/ mana combo and while it seemed good, it did not make the kind of improvements me and some of my friends have experienced with the machina dynamica.
The GP Monaco and The Rack of Silence both made a difference in my systems for what that's worth...

NBS makes an exceptional power system that is not current limiting. Whether you should consider that or one of the others like balanced probably depends as much on the problem with your power as on your system IMO though (and I don't know either)...