Best budget tuner

I am in the market for a tuner. Been looking at modified vintage, as well as new. I am strongly considering a Cayin 220-TI, as it fits my budget. Anyone have one of these tuners? How do you like it?
Any other opinions would be great!
Yamaha T1, T2, Nikko Gamma

bought my Onkyo T9 Quartz locked tuner with 6 month warranty locally for 100; great tuner
The FM Tuner Info site can give you lots of ideas. The APS site has a number of modified tuners, or ideas on which tuners to look for & have modified


You might check on audio aslyum for suggestions. The Sansui tuners (717, 719..even the lower models 714? 715?) have a good reputation, particularly after some mods, alignment, updating..and there's LOTS of them available.
I also recommend the Sansui TU-717, which can often be found for $200 or less. It is a great (and great looking) tuner.
I don't want to sound like the proverbial broken record but- the older Sansui lines such as the TU analog not T (totally digital) or AU (integrated amp) are fabulous. I found a TU 5900 that is absolutely mint and sounds great, for less than $100. The difference between the TU 9900 which is top of the line and highly collectible vs. the 7900, 5900 is in the number of tuning gangs, and some a few other infrequently used features, again see the tuner site for details but the differences are smaller than you might think. You will probably find a TU9900 in your price range if you are patient. They are disproportionately expensive due to scarcity,its overkill unless you're a collector.