Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking?

OK we all know what a merry-go-round audio can be. For those of us who are incessant upgraders, what components have you found that either have stopped or seriously curtailed your search for better?

For me its my Audio Tekne Cables and my vintage Classe DR3 amps (25 wpc high current class A design designed by Dave Reisch in the early days of the company). My Green Mountain Audio Continuum 3s would probably fall into this category, but I would probably buy the next statement models that Roy Johnson builds sight unheard.

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Ebm, given your bent for exaggeration, I must say I expect that within a year, your list will be entirely different.

I have never thought that anything would stop me for further looking. Probably the closest I ever got was the Decca London cartridge in the 60s. I still have two around here somewhere.
Chalice Audio 'Grail' SET monoblock amps...nothing i have heard comes close...!
Calloway, I am going to have to give these a listen. If only they were not so expensive.