Vote for best US made solid state amp

Let's vote for best solid state amp ,made in US The choices are Spectral,Krell,Jeff Rowland,Pass......
Not sure what the best amp is. I wonder if anyone has done any double blind tests with the system set up to provide identical sound levels? I suspect that amps with similar noise floors and rated outputs will sound the same.
Jeff Rowland with out a doubt. I have owned 4 different Rowland amps over the last 11 years and nothing i have heard touches them. I have taken home for weeks Reference Levinsons, Krells and even the Boulder and the FM Accoustics super expensive amps. The back up on the rare occasion in which it was needed was superb.
For my money, my B&K ST 1400 II is the tops. I can't afford stuff from McIntosh and Sunfire. But the B&K is sweet and for the money, it's fantastic.
I do not think that it is possible to say there is 'a best solid state amp' anymore than a best 'car'. People are different - their likes and dislikes, priorities and perceptions all vary. That said, getting to the question at hand, I have recently listened to: Pass Labs X350, Plinius SA 100, Bryston 4B ST, Mark Levinson 334 & 335, Ayre V3. Some were better in certain areas than others, all had strenghts and weaknesses. Of the bunch, I liked the Mark Levinsons the best overall - I bought one. This is my simply my opinion, I am sure that others who might audition the same bunch would come to a different conclusion. This is a good thing because if not, there would only be one manufacturer making only one amp - 'The Best Solid State Amp'.