Vote for best US made solid state amp

Let's vote for best solid state amp ,made in US The choices are Spectral,Krell,Jeff Rowland,Pass......
Lamm 2.1, Mccormack DNA2 LAE, Levinson 333.5, 336. I heard the Carver Lightstar 2.0 that listed for 2700 last week. Thats a nice sounding amp. It sounded very smooth with a nice mid.
Boulder 1060 amp. Its 300 watts and weighs 189 pounds. Here's a pic of it. Check how deep it is.
i agree, it's the wrong kind of question (though still a good one).

everyone's taste in their equipment is very personal, and not one amp or speaker is better than another based on what you prefer to listen to and how you listen to music.

your other components and room environment will play a huge role in how you enjoy the music.

all the amps mentioned are among the better performers, but how can one really say one is better than the other? in certain categories perhaps, but not across the board.
one look inside a Rowland will tell you its the best built amplifier available.
B&K Modified is the best I have heard for the $$,but saying there is no real best because what might work great in one system sucks in another.

There are so many great amps that oicking one would be close to impossible.Here is a list in the order of cost that I would consider,but some are not made in the USA and worst I have not heard all of them.

B&K ST-202 original version mocified
Monarchy SM-100 Deluxe used
Odessey Monblocks
Llano Pheonix
Parasounds JC-1
Aragon Palladiums
Mark Levs
Jeff Rowlands
Pass Labs X-350

If you got this far down the list and your amp manf. not on it I feel sorry for you unless I forgot it.L