biomimetic, it is clear that you have only scanned the tic site & its related chat forum.
huh? where else are you gonna find so much info about so many different tunas?
huh? a close reading of the site makes it clear that there's scads of tunas, not yust kenwoods that are worthy of listening to. but, there's no escaping the fact that kenwood made way more than their share of tunas, which is why there's quite a few good tunas w/the name "kenwood" on it. and no, i am not a big kenwood fan - i tried & sold three...
where on the site does it say there *is*? but, the fact is, specs *do* play a big part in the tuna ewaluations, which a close reading of individual tuna stats, & a following of the chat forum will indicate. and, the fact is, the participants are some of the best rf engineers around, & they *do* measurements. a *lot*.
want an explanation? ask on the forum; you will get lotsa opinions.
again, ask, you will get answers. but, in fact, you are wrong, this info *is* given.
as is your statement that this is what the tic & the forum say. again, you have to be more thorough in your readings.
huh? there's so few flamewars on that site, it's amazing, quite frankly. of course, agon is so strongly moderated, there really isn't even a conversation flow here. :>/
sounds like what happens w/all reports about all other gear in audiodom, no? tho i disagree that there are reports of good tunas that are actually sucky. of course, i *do* have disagreements w/the opinions/rankings of all the tunas over there, having tried almost a hundred different tunas in my home over the past few years. examples:
- the revox b261 is excellent - on par w/the b760. but, the mitsubishi da-f20 is better than both.
- the tandberg 3001a is *way* over-rated. a decent tuna, for sure, but a reliability nightmare, surpassed in sonics & reception by many many tunas. equaled in sonics & reception by something as cheap as the hitachi ft-8000.
- mcintosh s/s tunas are only so-so sounding, exceeded by so many tunas it isn't even funny. they are exceeded by most every tuna i have ever tried, in fact. they *do* certainly have excellent reception capabilities, tho.
so, does this mean that i am a white elephant? cuz i have opinions about tunas that you or others may not share? no - it's yust one more data point on the chart. which is all the info on the tic & its forum is or is meant to be.
relax & yust enjoy the magic of a good fm broadcast w/a quality tuna of your choice on a revealing rig! ;~)
doug s.
but not everyone hears the same, eh?