Best solid-state amp made anywhere

I'd like to open up this "best of" to include amps from New Zealand, Canada, France, England, Germany and (my personal favorite) Italy, as well as whoever else I've left out (no extraterrestrial amps, please). I have spent some time with the most amazing solid state amp - made by Aloia of Italy and uses an inductive (!) power supply. These amps have a naturalness and ease I haven't previously encountered in solid state, not even Pass or Claytons. Have you noticed that the Italians make superb audio equipment? In this country, audio engineering is to engineering as podiatry is to medicine. It just doesn't typically draw the cream of the crop. In Italy music matters far more, and audio equpiment is designed by people who will make an opera singer sing her part over if they aren't satisfied with her performance. Well enough sociology - what's your vote for best solid state amp?
Its dave again from England would not like to comment on the best,But please do not mention Linn with the best they are rubbish.
From my experience, the new Jeff Rowland Model 12 Mono amps are the best I have heard along with Linn Klimax, and Boulder 2030 mono (very expensive), and Naim's new $15K amp. There is no such thing as "the best", because some amps do some things better then other in its own unique way. Thus system matching becomes more critical then just buying the best of each category, it is subjective at best. Also like the new Rowland model 8Ti/HC and the 9Ti/HC.
I think captain imho is romantisizing Italy just a tad, where high end audio is concerned. I love some Italian audio products, but let's not get completely off our rockers here. I've not heard the Aloia amp. Who's the importer?
Wait till you hear Victor Sima's new design,Linar. He was the founder,original designer of Sim Audio amps including he much heralded W-5. The Linar is better in my opinion,but I don't know how readily available they are yet.