Best customer service? Mondial designs!

Most of the time if we're gonna write something, it's mostly to bitch at how we were screwed. Today the sun must be shining,the birds chirping, and the smell of flowers is in the air. Ahem, I'm overdoing it a little, but I'm writing this because I had an awesome experience with Mondial Designs (Aragon & Acurus.) I was curious to hear both positive and negative experiences with manufacturers to see who stands behind their products. I will respond first with my story in the first reply.
Just bought a D2A here at Audiogon, sounds like I made a wise decision. A little service goes a long way.....
I had a good experience with Mondial too. I short-circuited my speaker cables on one channel and burnt out a little device sitting where the power comes in. They sent me one free and I was quickly back in business again. Thanks Adam.
I have been dealing with Steve Donalson
Aragon Technical Support Specialist
Klipsch Audio Technologies

Over some issues on some older Acurus products. What great help, fast response and friendly attitude. Klipsch Audio's purchase of Mondial Designs has NOT lessened the GREAT customer service! It couldn't get any better than this.
Several years ago, I took a well-out-of-warranty Aragon 4004 MKII amp to a local repair facility, and when picking it up, they advised that Mondial Design supplied the needed part gratis -- certainly top notch customer support!!

While this was before Klipsch's purchase, by the latest post in this thread, it sounds like Klipsch has stepped into Mondial's shoes quite nicely -- good to hear, since along with the Aragon 4004, I'm using an Acurus 200x5 amp for H.T.
Krell,PASS and First Sound

I bought a used Krell KST100 some years back, no manual, I mailed the Krell people and sent me, at no charge, a brand NOS manual for my amp, two days later dropped me an email to learn if the manual arrived safely here in Mexico City.

I am currently using a Pass x250, running single ended cables WO XLR jumpers, I mailed PASS and Nelson himself responded with very valuable information, and sent at no charge 2 pairs of gold jumpers for my amp.

Finnaly, Emmanuel Go - fantastic. I bought a First Sound passive preamp (vintage), Emmanuel gave me all the information needed to learn about this unit while I was bidding for it, once aquiered he offered me at no charge an upgrade of several parts in order to bring it up-to-date. Incredible service indeed.

Congratulations to this three companies (Krell, Pass, First Sound)
