Macbook Pro to Aurender

I am getting more comfortable with high resolution downloads as opposed to physical media (CD, SACD etc ) and am looking to expand my library primarily in that area. For this reason I am thinking of changing from a dedicated MacBook Pro that is used for audio only, ( 512 ssd, external 1TB lacie thunderbolt, running JRiver ) to a dedicated server such as the Aurender x100L or N100H. I would be running it via USB into an MSB Analog Dac. I will still use the MSB UMT+ transport for the occasional disc. Anybody have any thoughts about this move, positive/negative. Other suggestions or experience. thanks.
Thanks for the reply's. I am going to demo the N100H in the next few weeks and see what I think.
The way I put this to clients is whether they need any of the more "esoteric" functionality of JRiver such as multi-channel or room correction. If not, and they are just looking for a music server, then the Aurender is great, and a lot lower maintenance overhead, plus an easy way to ensure you always have a physically separate backup of your computer files (rip on computer, drag and drop to Aurender).
Well, I am demoing an Aurender N100 now. Several hours for my music to transfer but Tidal came up easy as pie and sounds great without any problems so far. Simple, really great build quality. So far so good.
Tried the Aurender. Some nice things, others not so great. Lack of ability to easily get Meta Data for ripped CD's was kind of the deal breaker. Very nice build etc but it all came down to that realization that it is really a computer in audiophile clothes but does not do some of the things my Mac Pro does. Probably does some better but I think it would be more of a lateral move at this point. My concern with the Mac Pro is long term storage of audio files but the same concerns of Hard Drive failure will be the same with the aurender, my mac has SSD hard drive. So, I think I am going to try an Elgato Thunderbolt SSD for my high res file and the mac Pro ssd for the red book.
Well, a follow up. Aurender custom installed a samsung 1TB 850 Pro SSd into an N100H and my dealer set it all up. It is working great and I think that it actually is a sonic upgrade from my Macbook pro. It sure is easier to use. Tidal is definitely better and I listen to it a lot now. Very happy and Aurender provided great support as I was getting all dialed in.