Computer Upgrade

I have been using a mini Mac book for years. I now feel that it is time to do an upgrade. Would you mind to chime in and let me know the pros and cons between new Mac, new Window Laptop, and new window desktop in term of performance effected the sound?

Thanks in Advance
I’ve researched this a lot and I love JRiver software. If that does not appeal to you then advice from here on may not be accurate for your need.

With JRiver you can run Mac, Windows or Linux and get the same sound, as long as the computer is a modern design with speedy chip set and good RAM.

I’m accustomed to Mac since most of my life I’ve been a photographer but today a Win machine does the same good Photoshop work and can work as a great music server.

I choose Mac Mini due to size, i7 chip and maximum ram and instruct JRiver to convert all files to 2X DSD. Works so well it frequently surprises me.
I do a lot of streaming over WiFi with Tidal and Classicsonline. When I had a Lenova PC running Windows 8.1 I had nothing but trouble. Constant dropouts, stoppages and sometines I could not even login. I then bought a MacBook Pro running Yosemite and everything works perfectly. I am now sold on Mac
Mac Mini with asynch USB DAC is the least challenging solution to get right for computer audio. PC's require a EE degree to get past all the things they do intrinsically wrong out of the box.