Most Tedius Part of Audiodom Setup/Tweak/DIY ?

Hi, guys,

the moment we audiophiles step foot (feet for those who JUMP in) into the madness called high-end audio, we are bound to become more and more hands-on kind of people, for various reasons.

The level of hands-on experience can range from the common excercises like speaker placement or feet replacement for electronics to building one's own amps or speaker cabinets.

While the successful execution of any of these "labor of love" will put smile on our faces, the labor itself can be boring, time consuming, dangerous (!), and/or sometimes downright difficult.

What do you feel has been the most memorably painful/tedious experience as hands-on audiophiles?

Thank you,

Tom, I had an electrician install about 10 dedicated circuits for me in my listening room, but it only took him about 6 hrs. After reading your post, I fear I got ripped off! I had no idea what to check or look for in his work. I just saw that I had 10 new hospital-grade outlets on my wall and thought all was well. Now, I'm not so sure. Well, I'll just choose not to think about it! Great job, great initiative, great courage. Are you an electrician or electrical engineer? I am an English major, lawyer, and female, and the biggest DIY project I have ever undertaken was to build several tall bookcases w/glass doors and extra shelves for CDs, from Ikea. I too took 2 days off from work to accomplish my project.
tho i've not tried myself to install separate circuits for my audio equipment (like sarah, i had an electrician do that), i have tackled a few jobs i might have done better, in hindsight, to have employed experts to do. the one task that comes most readily to mind involved my purchasing a scientific-grade air compressor to power my airtangent tonearm. i installed the compressor onto a hand-built damping stand and put that in a vented box that was lined with sonex. this box was then moved into a storage area about 40 ft. from my tt/tonearm. that space was also covered with sonex. i ran tubing from the compressor through a finished sofit, which required my using several 8 ft. lengths of pvc to "push" the tubing to a plate in the ceiling i constructed from a solid copper switchplate and various fittings. after installing a remote switch, pressure and flow gauges at each end, desiccant filters and other fittings, i ended up with a very cool air source that's completely hidden from view. once i get my basis debut 5 vacuum (gotta win some more consumer fraud cases that i take on contingent fee bases!), i'll "reverse" the airflow of my pneumatic system, which will allow me to house the vacuum pump where the compressor has resided. (i know this is pretty silly, since the basis pump is very quiet, but i'm not gonna let all my work go to waste). -cfb
Come on guys .... none of it is tedious REALLY is it ? We may complain about finding optimal speaker placment or routing wires around the room so as not to trip the spouse, but really we love it ... that's why we do it. So let's not pretend that we don't enjoy it. Actually the part I least enjoy is having to pay for the equipment, because this inevitably means having to go to work to earn the money in the first place. Unfortunately as a law abiding citizen there really is no way around this problem.
> Unfortunately as a law abiding citizen there really is no > way around this problem.

Now, THERE is a dangerous part :)
I have one more to add, having just done this twice in the last few days during the course of re-arranging. Any audiohound with a large vinyl collection would certainly agree that pulling out and moving a record collection is MOST tedious.