DC Power/AC Inverter power supply

Has anyone tried running a 12 volt DC battery with an AC inverter? There is a computer grade AC inverter that is supposed to produce a pure 117 volt AC sine wave (I don't want to mention the manufacturer). In theory this will eliminate the power grid AC grunge better than a power conditioner, even the PS audio power plants (since there are no AC artifacts ANYWHERE in the chain). I have been told that the artifacts of producing AC power in this manner far outweigh the AC grid isolation. Again, this is not an el cheapo converter. Anyone ever try this for low power draw pre-amps and digital equipment?
I've installed a lot of inverters, but for data systems. (not UPS's) I have to ask just how much battery do you have? It is true that you will have total isolation. (super clean & low noise floor) But inverters aren't very effecient. Do you have a charger (rectifier) that can keep the charge up while your battery is under load? It would be interesting to try on audio gear. In the long run I don't know about the maintance. Sealed batteries last about 5 years and I know your not looking at wet cells. The installs that I am used to have a rectifier (AC-DC) charging the battery at all times. The battery acts as a filter while the inverter (DC-AC) supplies fully protected AC power. I would guess that you would have to have a system with extreme resolution to hear the difference between a PS power plant and an Inverter power supply. Maybe I can get a Tech to run some tests with my P300 vs an Inverter output.
The inverters I am familiar with don't produce a pure sine wave. But assumming that they do, the power out has to be less than the power in because nothing is 100% efficient. Since the formula for power is I x V = P (current times voltage = power), for every one amp delivered to the load at 110V you need to draw about 10 amps from the 12 volt battery. (1 amp x 110V is about equal to 10 amp x 12V) And since most systems draw a lot more than 1 amp, you would need a massive bank of 12 volt batteries to run an average system for any period of time. However, if you can afford the batteries and can get an inverter to produce a pure sine wave you may be on to something.
I agree with the above. Inverters are EXTREMELY power hungry. Most are FILTHY in terms of electrical and RF hash & trash. I can't see the benefits coming anywhere close to the amount of hassle one would have to go through.

If you are THAT worried about it, i would suggest buying a large commercial grade generator that is rated for well above any demands that you might draw from it. You will have to deal with housing, muffling and exhausting such a device, but it would give you what you are seeking with the potential for near unlimited voltage / current supply. You would also be self sufficient in times of power outages, etc... TALL cash, but then again, maybe it is worth it to you. We've all got different priorities and amounts of money to play with. Personally, i would LOVE to have something like this. Sean