Rogue Owners Unite

Hello Rogue Owners. The goal of this thread is to let Rogue owners discuss the tubes they have tried in their amps/preams and discuss other tweeks that have been implemented with success. It would also be nice if you'd post your system components to help us compare notes.
Thanks, David, sounds like a snap. I'll likely wait until upgrade fever hits me again and then pull the sand trick as a relatively painless way of keeping the upgrade deamons satiated for a spell (they do tend to come in waves). First off, my room is desperately in need of some fine tuning, but that's another story....
David99, my power supply is humming a bit. But I don't want to be drilling holes into it because I think this would pretty much void my warranty and decrease resale value. It sounds quite good now and the hum is barely audible, so I think I can live without it. But if I decide to keep it for the long haul this might be an option. Can I do any other tweaks that aren't so invasive?
I bought a stock Rogue 99 pre right before Christmas. I have not changed a thing yet, and am really not in much of a hurry to. (yet) I do have some NOS 12au7 and 12ax7's from Upscale Audio from my prior pre, and I will probably swap them into the phono section at some point,but as I said, I'm really loving this thing right out of the box. I'm glad this thread got started, as I'm anxious to hear what improvements can be made. Also, I am using a 7 m. IC between pre/power with no problems at all. I do have a question for owners of the 99: Has anyone noticed a difference between running the gain low and the volume high vs.full gain and less volume? Rest of system: Mccormack DNA 1 , Rega Planar 25/rb600/ rega exact: Rotel951/MSB Link II: PSB Stratus Gold, vibrapods, Brightstar bigfoot, home made sandbox, ...
Yea, Winoguy17, that's a good question. At first I was keeping the gain at its lowest setting in order to get a little more travel out of the volume knob, but at times it sounded like the bass was a little bloated, or possibly just over-accentuated, at lower volumes this way, so I've been leaving the gain at dead even instead. I didn't test this one out too critically, and it was fairly early on and very impressionistic (besides just not making a whole lot of sense, logically), but I'd be interested to hear whether anyone else has found that the gain setting has an effect on the overall balance of the sound. (That said, the system has been changing a lot lately, so my impressionistic read on this one could have actually been attributable to a whole host of other variables as well).
Buckingham, regarding the "sandbox" fix for a humming power supply, that one was officially dreampt up and/or approved by the guys at Rogue. It might be worth giving them a call to see what their take on it is, but I believe that they have actually encouraged folks to do it in the past, in which case it may not affect the warranty at all. Worth asking, I guess.